"Setbacks are not failures,but Stepping stones to success Reassess,adjust and ride forward.

German Martingale Phil Haugen Training

Regular price AUD249.95

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  • Description
  • Description


    Classic German Martingale with tightly braided
    rope applies pressure to the bars and corners of
    the mouth, and provides instant release as the
    horse gives. This tool is useful to maintain that
    “softness” in the bridle with added speed and
    pressure during the transition to higher level
    training in its desired discipline.

    Phil Haugen
    Over 30 years, Phil Haugen has
    developed a method of horsemanship on
    the foundation of common sense, trust
    and understanding. A respected trainer
    and clinician, Phil has developed these
    tools to help accomplish the training
    goals of all disciplines