Welcome to our One Stop Online Saddlery Store Established 2001 – Country Scene Saddlery and Pet Supplies

Welcome to our One Stop Online Saddlery Store Established 2001


Our Small businesses is run by people who actually care about you. When you shop at CSS , you’re not just making a purchaseβ€”you’re supporting real people who are passionate about what they do and genuinely value our customers. 
Behind every small business is someone who puts in the long hours, the late nights, and the extra effort to create something meaningful.
We take the good with the Bad and it can be a real struggle from day to day.
 Your support means the world to Us!
Your understanding means the world to Us!
Your kindness means the world to Us!
Small town girls, that had a dream, & chased it. 
Never give up. 

Our Aim:
To provide you with quality affordable products for:
Camp drafting, Cutting, Western Pleasure, Reining, Rodeo, Pony Club, Harness, Driving, Polo, Halter, Show, Dressage, Jumping, Miniature, Clydesdales, Donkeys, Breeding, Trail,
Endurance,  Harness, Racing and much more.
After being in this industry all my life I decided to open a small business in 2001.

I have worked very hard to gain the support from several manufacturers, importers and suppliers which are world leaders for the equine industry.

Offering an extensive range of products that cover all budgets and disciplines, my suppliers have achieved a great level of expertise in their fields.

My suppliers have a generous amount of stock and if you can't find a product on the website then please do contact us.
We offer Custom made Products ,Sometimes delays do happen but we work tirelessly to make it happen!.

Jess & I are here to offer you a friendly, knowledgeable online experience and we will do our best to help you.

Email: countryscene7767@gmail.com
Mobile: 0402550325 


About us

We are Australia based.

Let me tell you a bit about myself.

I have 50 years in this Industry as a rider and breeder. As a child I attended Newcastle Pony club until my teen's. I then bought my first AAA when I was in my 20's (pictured above). We competed at national and state level.

My dream was to win Hunter under saddle at National level and I achieved that and much more with this amazing horse winning so much in hunter under saddle, trail, halter and other disciplines.
Sadly I had to retire from showing and I sold him on.

My daughter now continues to compete in most disciplines and she has had some amazing horses over the years, however have now passed on to Horsey heaven...

As i get older my daughter is the backbone of my business, Jess is Inspiring, dedicated, and hardworking and very kind,the consistent effort and perseverance  she dedicates to this business and so heartfelt and appreciated by Myself I couldn't do it without her.

Our current sponsored horse 2021 :Charm ASH "BENALONG CHARM" 


Our current sponsored horse Glenore Docs Casino "Doc" owned and ridden by Jess Neave

Welcome to our One Stop Online Saddery Store 2001 to 2021

Is an amazing ASH. He has won just about all the high points in Pony club, Interschools, Drafts, Jamboree, Gymkhanas, Agg shows and now running and placing at 4D Barrel days.

I think I can say that my ASH is one in a million and I am one very proud mother to his rider my beautiful daughter Jess Neave

Runner up National youth ASH  Junior campdrafter 2014
Zone 25 Camp drafter  2013
1st 2nd 4th NSW State Sporting 2013
2013  Zone 25 Jambouree

Just to name a few achievements with this amazing stock horse.






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