"Setbacks are not failures,but Stepping stones to success Reassess,adjust and ride forward.

15" Double T Basket weave and Floral Tooled Barrel Style Saddle.

Regular price AUD1,195.00

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  • Description
  • Description
  • 1584815

    15" Double T Basket weave and Floral Tooled Barrel Style Saddle. Saddle is medium in color with basketweave and floral tooled skirts, pommel, and cantle. Fenders are roughout with a scallopped trim. Skirts, pommel, and cantle are accented with natural cross buckstitched trim. Saddle is accented with copper colored conchos and is equipped with front D rings, aluminum stirrups, leather latigo and off billet.

    Seat: 15"

     Gullet: 7"

    Bars: Full QH Bars

    Swell: 13”

    Horn:  3.5”

    Cantle: 4 1/4”

    Skirts: 25" X 12"

    Stirrups: 32" to 38”
    **additional holes can be added to stirrup leathers**

    Tree: Wood Tree Fiberglass Covered

    Weight: 25lbs

    Entry Level